The Books About Maharajji
Maharajji didn’t write any books, but there are some books about Maharajji. It might very well be said that Maharajji, in a sense, “wrote” “Be Here Now”. The book seems to have been made by a lot of people in various parts of the globe who were acting under the divine guidance of Sri Maharajji. Ram Das “Be Here Now” became the counter-culture bible for thousands of young people seeking enlightenment in the midst of the darkness of Vietnam. It was a pioneering bridge, written in colloquial language, from the psychedelic 60s to eastern spirituality, and over the years has sold more than two million copies. “There are three stages in this journey that I have been on! The first, the social science stage; the second, the psychedelic stage; and the third, the yogic stage. They are summating – that is, each contributing to the next. It’s like the unfolding of the lotus flower. Now, as I look back, I realize that many of the experiences that made little sense to me at the time they occurred were prerequisites for what was to come later. I want to share with you the parts of the internal journey that never get written up in the mass media: I’m not interested in the political parts of the story; I’m not interested in what you read in the Saturday Evening Post about LSD. This is the story of what goes on inside a human being who is undergoing all these experiences.” – First Page

Miracle of Love
by Ram Dass
“Maharaj ji’s company was very special. He was always natural, like a child, a saint in the traditional manner. He set no conditions nor expected any particular behavior from His devotees. He was rarely affected by the outside. He could converse with half a dozen people simultaneously with a camera held a foot from his face. He had no form. He performed no rituals or puja. He followed no orthodox customs such as ritual bathing. Yet His presence was more than inspiring; it was enlightening. While meditating in or near His presence, even though He’d be talking and joking loudly, one quickly reached the place of clear light, a place difficult to achieve without His grace and power.” Excerpts from “Miracle of Love”By His Grace – A Devotee’s Story
by Dada Mukerjee
Maharajji was in the habit of visiting a nearby village. One evening he came to the house of a devotee where He often took His food. The lady of the house came out crying bitterly and said, “The person who used to serve you your food is lying there.” He lay dead, surrounded by the people who had come to arrange for his cremation. Maharaj ji sat down by the man, put a part of His blanket over the man’s body, and began talking to the people around Him. After some time Maharajji got up and said He would go and take His food somewhere else. No one thought of stopping Him. After Maharaj ji had gone away, the man lying there sat up as if from sleep and asked, “Why am I lying here?” Everyone was so dazed that no one could reply.” – Pages 41/42</>Excerpts from By His Grace – Dada Mukherjee

The Near and The Dear
by Dada Mukherjee
“The great gurus do not forget to emphasize to their disciples that sravan (hearing) the teachings must be followed by manan (inquiry) before the nidhidhyaanan (application) can begin. Very great emphasis is laid on the middle part – Inquiry – before acceptance and application. This was the method of Maharaj ji in His teaching; whatever came was to be put to a rigid test before acceptance. For a disciple, whatever comes in aid – tokens, symbols, murtis, or mantras for his sadhana – is valuable if he considers it to be sacred for him after it passes through all his tests.” – Page 190 Excerpts from “The Near and The Dear” Get the book The Near and the DearDivine Reality
by Ravi PrakashPande “Rajida”
A translation of AlokikYatharth “This event happened in 1951, in Haldwani. The young wife of Pooran Chandra Joshi, an employee of the Forest Dept., UP, had an attack of paralysis. Her face was distorted and her complexion became pale. Her eyesight became blurred.Leaving her in this pitiable condition her husband had to go out of station. On his return, her condition worsened. Joshi consulted a doctor who advised him to take her to Lucknow or any other big town, to get her treated. This treatment would be expensive and was beyond Joshi’s means. They remembered Maharaj ji in a state of helplessness and then both of them fell asleep.
Baba gave them darshan in a dream and her condition then improved. Some days later Baba himself came to their house and asked her, “Daughter-in-law, what happened to you?” He looked at her kindly. Putting one of his palms on her head and the other under her chin, he gave a jerk and set her face right. The loveliness of her face was also restored.”

Be Love Now
by Baba Ram Dass
with Rameshwar Das”
This book seems to be the culmination of an almost 50 year path of spiritual understand and opening of the heart. It’s the “communication” that is needed for all of us now. Maharajji was all about love. Here is more insight into that, for those who are ready to hear it.
“If I go into the place in myself that is love and you go into that place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and me are truly in love, the state of being in love. That’s the entrance to Oneness. That’s the space I entered when I met my guru.”
“Love is part of the emotional spectrum, but it is different because it emanates from our soul. Even when it becomes confused with our ego projections, love is actually from the higher essence of our being, the part that begins to merge with the spirit and approach the One.”
“Our culture treats love almost entirely in connection with interpersonal relationships and interactions.Emotional love is based on external gratification, having our love reflected back to us. It’s not grounded in feeling love from inside. That’s why we keep needing more. When we love somebody emotionally, that need for feedback creates a powerful attachment. We get so caught up in the relationship that we rarely arrive at the essence of just dwelling in love.”
“I began to see how impersonal His (Maharaj ji’s) love was. I realized it wasn’t directed at me, but I could bathe in it, and when I bathed in it, all my negative thoughts and feelings were nullified.”
From Be Love Now.
Divine Reality
by Ravi PrakashPande “Rajida”
A translation of AlokikYatharth “This event happened in 1951, in Haldwani. The young wife of Pooran Chandra Joshi, an employee of the Forest Dept., UP, had an attack of paralysis. Her face was distorted and her complexion became pale. Her eyesight became blurred.Leaving her in this pitiable condition her husband had to go out of station. On his return, her condition worsened. Joshi consulted a doctor who advised him to take her to Lucknow or any other big town, to get her treated. This treatment would be expensive and was beyond Joshi’s means. They remembered Maharaj ji in a state of helplessness and then both of them fell asleep.
Baba gave them darshan in a dream and her condition then improved. Some days later Baba himself came to their house and asked her, “Daughter-in-law, what happened to you?” He looked at her kindly. Putting one of his palms on her head and the other under her chin, he gave a jerk and set her face right. The loveliness of her face was also restored.”

Chants of a Lifetime
by Krishna Das
Chants of a Lifetime offers an intimate collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who has been called “the chant master of American yoga” by the New York Times. Since 1994, the sound of his voice singing traditional Indian chants with a Western flavor has brought the spiritual experience of chanting to audiences all over the world. He has previously shared some of his spiritual journey through talks and workshops, but now he offers a unique book-and-CD combination that explores his fascinating path and creates an opportunity for just about anyone to experience chanting in a unique and special way.Chants of a Lifetime includes photos from Krishna Das’s years in India and also from his life as a kirtan leader—and the CD that is offered exclusively in the book consists of a number of “private” chanting sessions with the author. Instead of just being performances of chants for listening, the recordings make it seem as if Krishna Das himself is present for a one-on-one chanting session. The idea is for the listener to explore his or her own practice of chanting and develop a deepening connection with the entire chanting experience.
From chants of Lifetime
It All Abides in Love
by Jai Ram
Maharaj ji is actually what Everyone is looking for – an archetype of a fully realized being who knows everything about you in this life and other lives and who totally loves you…, an archetype of a fully realized being who is not attached, a wandering aesthetic, barefoot, sleeping outside in the open, spending His days up in the trees, having nothing, desiring nothing, attached to nothing, living only for His devotees, uncatchable, an utterly enigmatic being, meaning one whose ways simply cannot be understood.Maharaj ji wasn’t like “us.” Maharaj ji didn’t think like us. Maharaj ji didn’t act like us. Maharaj ji didn’t react like us. Maharaj ji didn’t do things the way we do things. NeebKaroli Baba wasn’t in the Time-Space Continuum as we are. It could be said that Maharaj ji wasn’t/isn’t a human. He appeared as a human body that we refer to as Neeb Karoli Baba. He had arms, legs, eyes, and ears, like all of us. He had feet; much revered and beloved feet – lotus feet. What does this mean? How is this possible? It is almost incomprehensible. That is Maharaj ji. This is what makes Maharaj ji worthy of the deepest study and contemplation. By turning to Him with love and devotion to your understanding, a realization may begin to develop.
From It All Abides In Love.

Barefoot in the Heart
Edited by Keshav Das
“Barefoot in the Heart” is a collection of transcribed oral stories of the Indian saint Neeb Karoli Baba (Maharaj ji).It includes many anecdotes and first-person retellings of stories collected in India and the in the USA over a period of 9 years, by Keshav Das, including a small selection of unpublished stories originally intended for inclusion in “Miracle Of Love” by Ram Dass.
“Barefoot In The Heart” is a divine raft to take us across the ocean of darkness to the glorious land of light.
Every page is filled with Maharaj ji’s nectar….. Profound gratitude to Keshav Das and his collaborators…. – Jai Uttal
. From Barefoot In The Heart.
Love Everyone
by Parvati Marcus
The Transcendent Wisdom of Neeb Karoli Baba Told Through the Stories of the Westerners Whose Lives He Transformed In spirituality, science, social activism and music, the teachers and innovators in this book who have influenced a generation share a common source of wisdom: Maharaj ji, whose most important message was to love everybody. A celebration of one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time: Neeb Karoli Baba, the enlightened guru who inspired a generation of seekers—including Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and Larry Brilliant—on life-altering journeys that helped change the world. In 1967, Ram Dass returned to the West from India and spread the teachings of his mysterious guru, Neeb Karoli Baba, better known as Maharaj ji. Ram Dass’s words about Maharaj ji’s life-affirming wisdom resonated with a youth culture that had grown disillusioned with the violence, civil discord, and crude materialism of modern civilization. From Love Everyone.Books in English – Rare

Doing Your Own Being
by Baba Ram Dass
This is a rare look into the early days of the discovery of Maharaj ji by The West, through the speaking and books of Ram Dass.
Written from the very early perspective of 1972 or 1973, this introduction to a book of Ram Dass Transpersonal Institute taped lectures.
It chronicle .RDs story and presents early descriptions of Sri Neeb Karoli Baba Maharaj ji and His World.
This book was published in the UK, purchased in India and out of print. American title: “The Only Dance There Is”.
Stories from “The Start”
Bunch of Memories
by KamlaMukerjii
Delightful stories of Sri NeebKaroli Baba Maharaj ji as told by much esteemed Smt. Kamla Mukherjii, wife of very esteemed Shr iSudhir “Dada” Mukherji.Most devotees of Maharaj ji call her “Didi.”
Simply sweet and loving memories of Didi and Dada’s beloved Maharj ji.
Legendary stories of Sri Maharaj ji from householder perspective. Stories from “Bunch of Memories”.

Prem Avatar
by P. C. Josi “Mukunda”
This is a rare book that came from India.It has a number of stories of Maharaj ji and is a small version of a larger book which is available in Hindi but not English at this time.
Only this small version has been translated to English.
अनंतकथामृत (ANANT KATHAMRAT)
महाराजजीनेअपनीशक्तिद्वाराकियेगएचमत्कारोंकीभीमितिनहींहैजिन्हेंहमभीयदा-कदादेखतेसुनतेरहे – यथा,( तबके ) निरक्षरभट्टाचार्यभगवानसिंहसेगीतापाठसुनवाना, खंडितमूर्तिकोकेवलदृष्टिपातसेहीपूर्णकरदेना, बंदकमरेसेमसकसमानरूपधारणकरनिकलजाना, बिनाडईनिमो-पेट्रोलकेअथवापेट्रोलकीजगहपानीसेगाड़ीचलवालेना, घीकीजगहपानीमेंपूरियांतलवादेना, जीवनदानदेकरआतीमृत्युकोटालदेना , कईस्थानोंपरएकहीसमयप्रकटहोलीलाएंकरना, भंडारेकीन्यूनसामग्रीसेवृहद्जनसमुदायकोतुष्टकरवादेना – आदिआदि, (अंतनहींऐसीचमत्कारीलीलाओंका l ) इन्हेंसुनकर-देखकरतत्कालकेआनंदकेसिवा (कमसेकम) हमेंतोविशेषकुछप्राप्तहुआनहीं, औरनहींहीहमसरकारकेश्री-चरणोंमेंइनचमत्कारोंसेप्रभावितहोकरहीइतनाबंधेजितनाकिउनकीहमारेजैसेदीन-हीनोंकेप्रतिवात्सल्य, प्रेम, अपनत्व, औरआत्मीयता-पूर्णलीला-क्रीडाओंसेविभोरहोकर l हमारीतोसदाएकहीपुकाररही – मेरीछूंछगगरियाजबछलके, गुणजानूमैंतेरेपनघटका l

अलौकिक यथार्थ (AlokikYatharth)
इसपुस्तकमेंवर्णितबाबासेसम्बंधितअनुभवप्रतिपलहोनेवालीउनकेअनंतलीलासागरकीकतिपयबूंदेमात्रहैंजिससेउसमहासागरकीथाहऔरविस्तारकाबोधतोनहींहोसकतापरउसकीविशेषताओंकाअभिज्ञानहोसकताहै I बाबाकासानिध्यपाकरसभीलोगोंकीएकमात्रधारणायहीहैकीसमस्तदिव्यगुणोंसेयुक्त, परोपकाररतकृपा निधान बाबाहनुमानजीकीहीप्रतिमूर्तिहैं I हनुमानजीअमरकहेजातेहैं, इसकारण बाबा द्वाराहोनेवालीउनकीअयाचितएवंअभेद्पूर्णकृपाकारूपभीअक्षयहै I उनका महान चरित्रअत्यंतआकर्षकएवंप्रभावपूर्णहैजिससेउनकेप्रतिआस्थाकोबढ़ावामिलताहैऔरव्यक्तिकोआत्मिक सुधार कीप्रेरणामिलतीहै I यहीइसपुस्तककीउपादेयताहै Iस्मृतिसुधा (SmritiSudha)
बाबासहस्त्ररूपोंमेंभक्तोंकेसाथलीलाएंकरतेरहतेहैं Iवेअविरलभक्तोंकाकल्याणकरनेकेलिएउनकेपीछेऐसेहीदौड़तेहैंजैसेगायअपनेबछड़ेकेपीछेदौड़ाकरतीहै I
यहीआकर्षणउनकेकृष्णस्वरुपकीप्रतिष्ठाकरताहै I
जोनिवृतात्माहोगएहैंउनकोउन्हेंअपनानेमेंदेरनहींलगती I
जोसांसारिकप्रपंचोंमेंअक्सरउन्हेंभुलाचुकेहैंरक्षातोवेउनकीभीकरतेहैं I
किन्तुजोसर्वसंरक्षणहृदयमेंहीनिवासकररहाहोवहतोपलपलकीखबररखताहैऔररक्षाकरताहै I
ऐसेहीहैंअपनेनीबकरोरीजीमहाराज I

रहस्यदर्शीश्रीनीबकरौरीबाबा (RahasyaDarshii)
अतिसामान्यवेशकिन्तुतेजयुक्तमुखमंडल , मोटाकम्बलकिन्तुअत्यंतबारीकचिंतन , साधुकीरहनीकिन्तुराजाकासाआभामंडल , रहनीमेंफकीरीकिन्तुअनेकराजसीमहानपुरुषएकझलकपानेकोलालायित – एकनवनीतह्रदयसंतहुएहैंबाबाश्रीनीबकरौरीमहाराज I यहरहस्यदर्शीआपकेलिएप्रस्तुतहैकेवलपढ़नेकेलिएनहीं ,मनन – चिंतनऔरआध्यात्मकीसरणिमेंअवगाहनकेलिए I